
The best architects and building designers in Australia all have one thing in common – what’s that you say? They know that when designing a home they must incorporate effective roof ventilation into the design. These smart articulate home designers always specify Universal Tile Ventilators for roofspace ventilation in their plans.

They know that if they specify these very effective roof ventilation systems from Universal Tile Ventilators in their plans they won’t end up with condensation problems in the roofspace; read “Warning Read Before You Design Your Next House” for more information.

Due to Australia’s stringent building energy ratings – serious damage to homes from condensation is increasing – if you don’t have effective roofspace ventilation, it could be raining in your roof. The worst States for condensation problems in the roofspace are Victoria, Tasmania, Southern New South Wales and believe it or not we are supplying our systems to many homes in Queensland for condensation problems this winter. So if you are building a new home make sure Universal Tile Ventilators are specified for your roofspace.